Never under estimate the power you have to change someone’s life. Who has helped you get you to were you are today? This video is for every champion whose job it is to serve others. Never under estimate the power you have to change someone’s life. We have far more impact in other peoples lives than we ever give ourselves credit for. Just stop for a minute and count the people who have shaped your life. That teacher, mentor, parent or grandparent. That best friend or first boss. That coach or spiritual leader. We are shaped by a handful of people, some of which spent very little time with us yet the fingerprints of their character are embedded in how we think and act today. Now ask yourself who can I impact? Whose life do I matter to? Someone is watching and listening to you today use this as an opportunity to build, expand and encourage. Twenty years from today someone may quote you and say “its because of you I am where I am today, your words and actions changed my life”.